Constitutional right to hunt and fish? Florida voters will vote in 2024 | Oct. 12
Backers of the constitutional right to hunt and fish say “action is needed to head off ‘anti-hunting forces’ who want to push ‘radical’ restrictions on hunting and fishing.” What they forgot to say is that the right to hunt and fish has been state law for years (Florida Statute 379.104): “The Legislature recognizes that hunting, fishing, and the taking of game are a valued part of the cultural heritage of Florida and should be forever preserved for Floridians. The Legislature further recognizes that these activities play an important part in the state’s economy and in the conservation, preservation, and management of the state’s natural areas and resources. Therefore, the Legislature intends that the citizens of Florida have a right to hunt, fish, and take game, subject to the regulations and restrictions prescribed by general law and … the State Constitution.”
James Wisner, Tampa
Migrants are central to Florida’s economic future | Editorial, Oct. 11
This Times editorial points out that there are reasonable solutions to U.S. immigration policy and Florida’s shortage of migrant labor. A few days ago, the paper reported that state GOP legislators are proposing a loosening of child labor laws. What sort of people would punish migrant workers and exploit children rather than take reasonable measures? Are political victories really more important than human decency?
Elizabeth Corwin, Tampa
The US freed $6 billion in Iranian money. Did it help fund Hamas’ attack on Israel? | PolitiFact, Oct. 11
After I heard Saturday morning that Hamas had attacked Israel, I said to my wife, “I wonder how long before the Republicans blame this on Biden?” Turns out, it didn’t take long at all. If the same thinking — if I can call it that — was used by the Democrats, it might go like this: Rep. Matt Gaetz and the “freedom caucus” are secretly working with Hamas. They removed the speaker of the House to prevent legislation from being passed that might help Israel. Once this was done, Hamas was able to attack. Why else would these two events happen so close to each other? See how easy it is to come up with silly, twisted logic?
Charles Smith, St Petersburg
Israel OKs unity coalition | Oct. 12
I guess no one told Hamas, “Don’t poke the bear!”
Dave Hinz, Clearwater
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